Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Game Development Final Weds


Today is the final Wednesday before we send off the game on Fri (6th) And today is the final details and final programming and testing. I've already done the Alpha testing sheet, so I just need the Beta and the final test. Right now I'm editing my sounds. From the first try, I wanted to add a battle sound (You know, sword clashes, cries, that short of thing) And I added it in, but it was too over-powering for the Monk chant of my background music, but now I used Audacity Portable to make the Battle Cries softer and quieter, so it sounds as if its far away. After playing the game with the new sounds, I wanted the music and battle to stop during the game over, and so I wanted to change all the plays to stop, so instead of being:,1000); it's now: backgroundMusic.stop;. At the moment I'm having technical difficulties with the battle cry, because it's written like: var s = new Battle_Cry; (0,1000); I have tried to stop the music using the code:

var s = Battle_Cry;

s.stop(); under the gameOver, but, it doesn't like stopping when the game over screen plays, but it might be that the music is the game function instead of the new game function. I tried placing them under the new game function, but every time I started a new game, the music overlapped and made the music louder, so I'm mostly going to place the music under the game function, and not bother with stopping the music.

I've just played the game once more, and my timers are not working, as in if I die, the miniboss timers don't stop. For example, if I kill two minibosses and die, the third one is played as the first mini boss and then the end boss comes on. After debugging, the game has pointed out my stage.addChild(explosion); line and now it's crashed and will close down.....oh no just the debugging program.

Just debugging and looking through the errors, it seems it has problems with killing my boss, all the errors link to the explosions, winning screen the kill function or the kill in Enemy List. Here is a screen shot of the Errors:

With Steve's help, I've fixed the game bugs with the boss. I added the Game.winScreen(); before the for(var i in EnemyShip.list)

if(EnemyShip.list[i] == this)


delete EnemyShip.list[i];


} This is the function to kill the boss, I also have this code in the winScreen function, meaning the boss was being killed twice, making the game error. Steve also helped the boss timer-countdown-thing. It was the easiest fix, all I had to add was bossCountdown = 3; under the newGame Function.

Having playing the game for the final time, I decided to try and make the character look like it's running instead of standing still. I asked Steve to look and he used a Boolean for a var. This var is var keyright:Boolean=false; Later on in the code, where the code is to run and move, he added

if (keyright == false)


keyright = true;



this.x = this.x + Velocity;





keyright = false;

} (For those that have followed the blog, they'll know that 3 was to go to the duck frame and 2 was for the run frame(I changed them over) Steve has asked me to create the same for the left. To create the run cycle to work backwards, I used the same method, but changed all the keyrights to keylefts, and I had to change one more part of the code. When we was first looking at the code, we tested with left and used the code: if(Key.isDown(Keyboard.LEFT))

{ this.x = this.x - velocity;;

}, but since I'm using a different code, I changed it back to this.x = this.x - velocity; this.gotoAndStop(3);. So now my player runs backwards and forwards, but slower.

So, this is it, my game is done, all that is needed to do is test my Beta and the final game!!!!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

27th April 2011

Back from Half Term and good game is in next week!! Today is really me fixing little bugs, which include, text, when the enemy dies, and the winning screen, such as when the game ends the player can still shoot and get points when there is now enemies, and finally the run, they still have a static run when the player pressing down the left or right. My sound is also a little out, as the enemies cries are out a little.
I've changed the positioning of the sound in the Explosion Code, as it was like:

function Explosion()
addEventListener("enterFrame", enterFrame);
function enterFrame(e:Event)
if(this.currentFrame == this.totalFrames)
removeEventListner("enterFrame", enterFrame):
var s = new ExplosionSound();;
} This meant the sound played after it had gone, so I changed it so it is now under the function Expolsion() after the addEventListener("enterFrame", enterFrame);, so now when the Explosion is on the screen, then the sound is played, the way it's meant to be.
I just debug my game (again) and it has the same problem as when I last debug (try and read Easter Half Term - 11/04/2011 blog for information on the errors (or if you are too lazy to read the blog post they are :
Boss/kill, Boss/takeDamage, Game$/winScreen and Bullet/enterFrame)
To stop the player to keep shooting, I decided to add the code ship.visible = false; meaning the ship will disappear after the Winning screen has been shown, but the player can still shoot and get more points. Also the power up timer still runs. I've fixed the score update, all I had to do was change the fonts......really? Wow, so simple and it's took me this long to fix!!!! Yeah, so I had to change the font from comic to Lucida Calligraphy that was it, fixed instently.
I've managed to fix the winning screen bug with the player getting more points after the game, this was a simple adding of code which was if(Game.ship.visible == true) I then added this under the if(Key.isDown(Keyboard.SPACE) && shootLimiter >15) {
Like the image below

The only bug left to fix is the run and that is it!

Monday, 11 April 2011

Easter Half Term - 11/04/2011

Yo! For the next two weeks is Easter Half Term, and after that we have two weeks of College before the final date of the 6th (okay one week of those is the same week as the 6th), so it;s really only four weeks to go. So far my game is nearly complete (yeah!) with only a few bugs, mainly the end game and the running bug, so I've came into college during my holidays to complete some of the bugs. Right now I'm working on my game, trying to get the winning screen to come on, right now, it's not working. I did find one bug, I misspelt a line instead of putting winScreenMenu I put winScreenuMenu; With that fixed I tryied again, deciding to rebug my program and getting this message: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property of a null object reference. at Boss/Kill() at Game$/gameOver() at Ship/kill() at Ship/takeDamage() at EnemyBullet/enterFrame() as well as other errors such as TypeError: Error # 1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Boss/takeDamage() at Bullet/enterFrame() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Explosion/enterFrame() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at PointDisplay/enterFrame() I also found that after debugging, I now have two health packs arrive at the same time, this might have something to do with the code I tried, as I was trying to get another element into my game, it works like the pick up, coming in randomly, but takes damage if the player avoids it, but since it didn't work, I decided to drop it and I must of forgot to change the code back. I fixed the double health pick up, I deleted all the code that refered to my seco0nd 'pick up'. Finally!!! I've got my winning screen to appear after the boss is dead!!! Yeah!!! But......the game still plays in the background and button to restart doesn't quite work, so now the screen does show, I will now tweek it slitly to make it work. I found out mu problem, it's really stupid and easy to fix, but I missed it......I kept putting winScreenMenu instead of the winScreen, dope! I'm now really confused, I was just testing my game, when I died, I restarted the game and the next enemy was the boss........alright, what's going on now, in my first game I did beat all three minbosses before the boss was surpose to come out, but when I restarted the game the boss was the first boss and when I killed him the winning screen came on, but the game still continued to play the game. I am really really confused. At the moment, I will try to compare the winning screen to the game over code and see if the problem is there, if not, then I will look into other areas of the code. I'm now having problems with my new game screen, it comes on, but it doesn't want to play and run the game. I've debugged my game again and this is the problem in the output Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts. Attempting to launch and connect to Player using URL E:\College\Steve Rich\Programming\Fenrir Game\Game.swf [SWF] E:\College\Steve Rich\Programming\Fenrir Game\Game.swf - 2543328 bytes after decompression....what? I have no idea what is going on. For now I might use my back-up file I created just before I tried to change anything and try again. I loaded up my back up, and I now have to create the Winning Screen again, but now I know the problem it should be a quick fix, and now I can fix that as well. I've fixed the winning screen, it now comes on when the boss is killed and restarts the game and disappears, the problem was I forgot to write the code, winScreenMenu.visible = false under the newGame function (whoops) but now that works, but now I have a bigger problem, after the defeat of my boss, the bullets start to miss fire (so to speak) and getting a shorter range. The output has placed this error out now TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Boss/takeDamage() at Bullet/enhterFrame() I just debugged (again) and I looked through all the Errors here they are: TE:#1009: Caapomoanor (Should know what it means by now) at Boss/kill() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - stage.addChild(explosion); at Game$/winScreen()[E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - EnemyShip.list[i].kill(); at Boss/kill() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - Game.winScreen(); atBosstakeDamage() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - kill(); atBullet/enterFrame() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\Bullet.as36] - EnemyShip.list[i].takeDamage(1); At the moment, I have no idea what I am doing with this and will mostly leave it to when I'm next with Steve, but on the plus, I now have a winning screen, even if it doesn't work yet.

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Gaz' reply

Yo! Today I had an email off Gaz regaurding my game from the 23rd March. Between then I had made a few adjustments, so a few of Gaz's recommendations have already been completed, but here are the recommandations Gaz had for my game:

  • Fire - The player needs to shoot faster, as the Enemies shoot faster than the player. I didn't notice this until Gaz said.

  • Sounds - I've added the sounds last week (30th March 2011)

  • Health Bar - Apparently, my health bar is twice as big as it should be.

  • Adding new enemies, wepaons and pickips - At the moment I'm still trying to get my jump up to work, so I will consider more.

Right now, I'm going to change my shoot speed and make it up to speed. I've changed the speed of the bullets, so now they run at the same speed (Maybe faster) as the enemies.

I'm also trying to add another 'power up' but one that does damage rather than heal the player. I tried following the shooturial, but I might try the this.gotoAndStop(); again.

Just tried it (after filling in my Alpha testing sheet) and found the problem still doesn't work! I might change it again and I might look into creating it like an enemy.

I just realised I need to end my game. At the moment you defeat 3 mini bosses to bring the boss, and the defeat of the boss, the game should end, so I'll need to create a code to tell the game to stop when the boss is kill, much like the game over menu. I could use the code from that. I added the this.visible=false; Game.gameOver();, so now, anytime the boss is killed the Game Over screen comes on. Now all I need to do is change the Game Over screen to a Win screen. I have managed to create a function for the win screen. After trying to create the function, I managed to get it to work, but I keep getting this message in the output:

Type Error #1006: value is not a function.

at Boss/kill()

at Boss/takeDamage()

at Bullet/ enterFrame()

As I only have five minutes left of the lesson, I don't know what to do, so I'll try to finish it within the next few weeks, as next week is Easter for two weeks, back on the 27th April 2011.

Thursday, 31 March 2011


Today me and Steve have been trying to create the final score. After trying for an hour looking at the Avoider Game and Shooturial, we both decided to copy the score text and chnge them to finalScoreText. We also changed it so that the score is only visible when the game over menu is shown.Add Image

All I need to do is change the location and size for the text in the final game.

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

30th March 2011


Today I'm working on my flash game again, working on the fine details. The problem I'm having at the moment is the jump. When I start the game I'm in the perfect position, but after I jump, my character falls off the screen so only the head is in the shot. I've changed the character's positioning on the movie clip so the cross in located in the middle of the image and have shaged the shooting so it looks like it's coming from the cross bow.

Following the Shooturial on, I have managed to add sound to my level. I had to import my sound to the libaray before changing the properties so they can be linked with Action Script. I have three sounds in total, a bullet. explosion and background music. I had to name the bullet ShotSound, the explosion ExplosionSound and the background music BackgroundMusic. I then had to add the simple code of var s = new Explosion/ShotSound(); then; under the explosion/bullet function. For the Background Music I just had to add static var backgroundMusic = new BackgroundMusic(); under the public class and add,1000); under the game function. Now All I really need to do is fix my jump and new game screens!!!!

I have just created a more realistic bullet for my character and enemies and have uploaded them into my game. To change the bullets was really easy, all I had to do was make a Movie Clip and in the properties was call them Bullet before deleting the graphic code used to create the orginal bullets. Here they are in game play and the original artwork

With help off Steve, I've managed to fix the enemy problem, when they run onto the new game screen. To fix this we had to remove the EnemyShipTimer from the Game Function, but keep it in the newGame function. I did this for all the timers, like the miniBoss and PowerUp. I've also gone in change some minor details such as the positioning of all the minibosses, enemies, character and bosses so they all run on the same level. I've also changed the jump with the help of Steve. After trying different code, we ended up using the code if(this.y > 220){this.y = 220}, meaning the jump show go back to the default line instead of disappearing.

The problems left:

JumpUp - I want to make the player have a reason to jump and have a little enemy to jump, so I'm hoping using the PowerUp code and change it so I can use it to make some thing to make the player jump.

Running - At the moment when left or right is holded down, the animation for the run stops on one frame, making it look wrong when playing.

After playing through the game, I decided to copy the code regarding the healthbar from the MiniBoss to the Boss, so now the Boss's health bar is much better and works now.

At the moment, I'm going to add a score on the game over screen to add more competitive game play to the game.

After trying to find out how to create the final score, both myself and Steve couldn't figure out the code, so we've decided to carry on with the game development.

My next weeks targets are:

Final Score - adding my final score onto game over screen and the win screen.

Running - I need to look at the running as when the player presses down the left or right button he stops running

Jump Up - My little jumping teaser still doesn't want to come on, so I'm hoping to improve him and start them coming on and make the player jump.

Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Creating the final assets

Today I'm looking for sound effects for my game while waiting for help with my new game menu. I tried to find my sound from my HCI and 2D animation projects from last year, but I couldn't find them, but I did find the link I used from last year. The site was called Sound Dogs and the link was:
From that website I found three sounds, one music - Monks Chanting, this will be playing in the background as music.
Background sound effects - Battle field, this will be played to enhance the feel of battle
Crossbow firing sound- this is to make the cross bow seem more like a crossbow. I still have to add some little details in the game to make the game seem more realistic.
Pain Scream- this will be used for the explosion
I've managed to create a background animation, where a wave of allies and enemies enter the screen behind the player, running past one another and moving on. This was created by using my run animation and the enemy ship, duplicating the animation and making sure it doesn't link up to the action script. I then placed the two movie clips at 700 and -700 before placing a key frame on frame 60, and move the movie clips to the opposite number, before adding a classic motion tween. Once I created that, I placed them on a new layer before creating a new layer and scaling them down to make them smaller as they go on, making them look further away from the camera.
During testing, I found it too easy to win the game, as when the player ducks, they can shoot and move backwards, without standing, meaning the boss and mini bosses was easy to win when the player can move away from them and continue to shoot.
I decided to change the function move (e:Event). I changed
this.x= this.x - velocity;
this.x = this.x - velocity;
this.gotoAndStop (2);
This means every time the player had pressed down and left, the character will now stand back up and play my run movie clip, instead of staying on the duck movie clip. I've also added the this.gotoAndStop (2); to the jump function, meaning what button the player presses will result to the player standing back up. I've also added the this.gotoAndStop(2) to the shooting function, meaning the player now has to time their fires to survive longer. As I have a jump function, I need to create something to make the player jump. At the moment, I'm considering having a random image to jump. I created a random image of someone leing on their side, making them look dead, but trying to make it suitable for all players. I tried using the EnemyShip code, but when I tried it, it didn't work as well as I wanted, so I used the PowerUp code and renamed it JumpUp, but it still doesn't work. I'm going to wait until next week to improve the JumpUp and change the new game screen as it still doesn't work, as I never got around to changing or looking at the code.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

game development


Today I'll be working on my start and game over screen. I'll be placing my crossbow into the screen. I'll also be working on my programming as well. I have now placed my duck, so that the arrows miss the player, but now I have come across another problem, the player can shoot and kill all enemies from ducking, losing no health. I now have to decide what to do with the player and duck, at the moment I'm thinking the player has to press down to duck, as of now the player just has to press down once and the duck function stays down. I did try to animate the duck so it stands after, but the animation kept looping making him stand, run and duck at the same time.

I've changed the game over screen, which now includes and title of the game.

With help, I had added my new game menu. I read their code for the menu and have added it to mine. I needed to add a static var newGameMenu:NewGameMenu; before adding some more code under my game's public function. This code was:
newGameMenu = new NewGameMenu ();
newGameMenu.x = 0;
newGameMenu.y = 0;
newGameMenu.visible=true; before adding an EventListener for the play button to the code to allow the play button to work. The only problem now is that the new game menu comes on but the game works behind the menu, making it complicated. My next task is to make the new game menu work before the game, not during the game.

Wednesday, 9 March 2011



Today I'm going to create the start and game over screen for my crossbow shooter.

I've changed my score font to Lucida Calligraphy, this font is being used for my subheading on my game and it suits the theme of the game. I've also changed my game a little bit, as now my mini boss' health bar now decucts at the right pase of my game, as they take five hits, the health bar decuces at 0.2 each hit.

I've now uploaded all my assets into my game. I've only got some little problems, one being the boss' health bar, as it decreases outside the bar.

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Game Alpha develpoment

I've still got problems with my mini boss and their health meter. I can now kill the mini boss, as I've cut his health down from 10 hits to 5, but his health bar is really slow at cutting down and is still visible even after he's defeated. The game is suppose to have five mini bosses before the final boss, but the mini boss only comes once and only regular enemies come. I'm still having problems when the player dies and the game over screen comes on, instead of everything stopping, the enemies reach a certain point and stop, while the mini boss keeps walking and the game doesn't restart properly, the game continues where the player left off, just starting the background and resetting the score, the enemies are where the player died.

I've just looked at the code from the shootorial, and I've fixed the game over code! So now everything stops including the mini boss, all I needed to do was add miniBossTimer.stop(); and powerUpTimer.stop();, I also found out I actually commented out

for(var i in EnemyShip.list)
} after I removed the //, and retried the game, all the enemies and power ups stopped and the game restarted without any problems. Now I need to recode my mini boss, at the moment, I have used the code from the shootorial in my game, but now I'm going to read it through and fix my code.

I've managed to fix the code for my mini boss and my boss. The problem was due to my coding, there was little mistakes, like not putting them in the right order, writing the same code in different places. Going through the shootorial code has helped my coding and my game. Right now, my code is complete, with no real bad or stupid mistakes, now all I need to do is load my code into my new game and add my assets, I also need to create a new game screen, for my proper game.

I've now just done all the assets into my final game. I've converted them all into a PNG. With the assets and code completed, now all I need to find is sounds and music for my game, as well as create both start and game over screen. This image is off my game so far and the library, with all my enemies, bosses and minibosses as well as the character all in their movie clip with the same name as the code, ready for me to complete.
Hopefully next week, I can start getting the start and game over screen designed and ready to go!
Code left to do:
I really need to work on my score. All I need to do is change the font to make the code work, but that's it really on the code.

Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Game Development

Since I'm waiting to finish my code, for some strange reason, my Mini bosses are not working and I have no clue on the code right now, I'm finishing my assests and placing them into the final game.
I've fixed a problem with my enemies thanks to Steve. We found the problem was the kill function. Inside the kill function I had used the same code aqbout twice, it written:
function kill()
var explosion = new Explosion();
explosion.x= this.x;

shootTimer.removeEventListener("timer", shoot);

removeEventListener("enterFrame", enterFrame);

for(var i in list)
if (list[i] == this)
delete list[i];
if Game.ship.visible==false)
This last be for the for (var i in list) has already been written in the Game code, after commenting it out, the error had disappeared, and I think this is the same in the mini boss, as the shooturial had told me to copy the code from the enemy ships. I also need to look at the hit test for the mini boss and boss, as my bullets don't hit the mini bosses.
I'm still looking into the mini bosses, I have to look at the hitTest, but I'm still having trouble, and I've changed the health pack. As I've changed many elements in my game, I've changed the range of fire from 600 pixels to 400 pixels, meaning the enemies have to be closer in order to shoot, and I'be also changed the shoot limitor from 8 to 15, slowing the firering rate, making the player have less time to shoot and less range, because of these elements, it became very hard to survive, so I've sped up the health pack, giving the player more of a chance to fight the mini boss, who is still not getting him. I've found the problem to the mini boss all by myself! I reread the shooturial and found I didn't write EnemyShip.list.push(this); I only write list.push(this);. Now that I have written EnemyShip, he does get killed, but only one comes on and he only takes one hit to kill, and his health bar comes on when he is hit, and stays on after he is dead. My mini boss now be attack and now doesn't get killed in one go, but takes alot of shoots to kill, but now the player dies before killing the mini boss, and he still doesn't disappear when the player dies, he carry on running and stays off screen while the player starts a new game.

Wednesday, 19 January 2011

game development

Today I'm finishing off my concept/sprite work for my game. I've finished my background! (Yeah!) Did that last night, (I didn't create a blog for that, but all I did was colour in the grass, then using the grass brush, I created the texture of the grass, then created the mountains, all I did was colour in the mountains, I took the opacity down to about 50% and then smudged the colours and the sky was created by the gradiant tool.) Right now, I've finished the outline and the white back for my duck pose. The next thing to do is colour him in. I've just finished my duck sprite and now all I need to do is import them into the game.

Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Game Development

Right now, I'm finishing up all my sprite Sheets, I've nearly finished the enemy and the mini boss and the boss shouldn't take too long, as all I need to do is add another colour over the top.
I've just finished the final character sprite sheet, so now all I need to do for the sprite sheets are the background. I'm going to make the background seem wider, this will allow me to add background elements, like the fighting in the background.

Gaz' reply

After email Gareth and Steve, I've finally got a reply from Gaz about my game alpha! Yeah!
With response of the email, Gaz has giving me loads to think about with ideas for my final game.
  • Throwing animations and arrows:
I have finished my sprite sheets and have giving my character a crossbow, so the arrows will be firing from something. Hand-to-hand compact, I was thinking about adding this and wasn't sure about how to go about it, but after last week, creating a duck, I know how to create other functions from the movie clip, so Hand-to-hand combat is a good option and I will consider it in my game, it might make the bosses easier to defeat.
  • Background:

I wasn't really bothered about the background when creating my alpha, and now Gaz has given me some ideas for it, multiply backgrounds and background action. Talking with Steve, I think it would be best to do something with the background. Right now I'm thinking of some background actions, like having two soldiers fighting in the background, I've already done some animation for mass soldiers running for my animation I did last year, so creating a fighting animation shouldn't be too hard. The animation I'm planing to be quick and appear randomly to not distract the player

Thursday, 6 January 2011

Free day

I know Thursdays are not a normal day for me to work with Flash, but today I don't have my usual teacher, so I'm going to continue with my Flash game development. Today I just going to finish more of my sprite sheets. Right now I'm creating my enemy sprite sheets.
I've nearly completed the enemy sprite sheet with only the belts, boots, crossbow and skin left to finish, after that I will have to do the mini-boss and boss, but they only require a colour to go other the top of the enemy layer, which will be easy to complete for my deadline of two weeks.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011

Flash Game Updates


I have received no word from Gareth in terms of my game, so this week I'll be working on minor changes of my alpha and finishing my character sprite sheet.

Looking back on my alpha, I've now created a duck. Steve helped me, by finding some code that will swap between different frames on the movie clip. This code was gotoAndStop(); This piece of code was then put within my Ship code, and now works, meaning when right button is pressed, he runs, by pressing down he now ducks. Now the code works, I've found out the duck can still receives damage after asking Steve, I've found out my blue box around my duck is huge, the same size as my running animation, meaning when I was ducking, the bullets was hitting the blue box and taking health. With the help, I've managed to create the game to pause when the game is over, meaning none of the enemies, mini boss, background or the health pack works when my character is no longer on the screen.
I'm currently working on my sprite sheets for my game, and are colouring in the run cycle, that is nearly complete with only the crossbow and face to do.

Here is the final screen shot of the final complete run cycle for the main character. From this I will need to create a stop stand and a duck, the jump will use the run cycle. Now I need to finish the enemies, mini bosses and the final boss in order to create the the final enemies, after completing the sprite sheets, I can then 'cut' out each part as a PNG to transfer into Flash. As much of my Flash code is perfect, I'm hoping I can use the Alpha code, with few changes to create my game.
My sprite sheets should be completed by 19th January 2011. Once the sprites are finished I can then transfer them into Flash, this shouldn't take too long as my Alpha creation was created in a few weeks, so it shouldn't take too long.