Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Game Alpha develpoment

I've still got problems with my mini boss and their health meter. I can now kill the mini boss, as I've cut his health down from 10 hits to 5, but his health bar is really slow at cutting down and is still visible even after he's defeated. The game is suppose to have five mini bosses before the final boss, but the mini boss only comes once and only regular enemies come. I'm still having problems when the player dies and the game over screen comes on, instead of everything stopping, the enemies reach a certain point and stop, while the mini boss keeps walking and the game doesn't restart properly, the game continues where the player left off, just starting the background and resetting the score, the enemies are where the player died.

I've just looked at the code from the shootorial, and I've fixed the game over code! So now everything stops including the mini boss, all I needed to do was add miniBossTimer.stop(); and powerUpTimer.stop();, I also found out I actually commented out

for(var i in EnemyShip.list)
} after I removed the //, and retried the game, all the enemies and power ups stopped and the game restarted without any problems. Now I need to recode my mini boss, at the moment, I have used the code from the shootorial in my game, but now I'm going to read it through and fix my code.

I've managed to fix the code for my mini boss and my boss. The problem was due to my coding, there was little mistakes, like not putting them in the right order, writing the same code in different places. Going through the shootorial code has helped my coding and my game. Right now, my code is complete, with no real bad or stupid mistakes, now all I need to do is load my code into my new game and add my assets, I also need to create a new game screen, for my proper game.

I've now just done all the assets into my final game. I've converted them all into a PNG. With the assets and code completed, now all I need to find is sounds and music for my game, as well as create both start and game over screen. This image is off my game so far and the library, with all my enemies, bosses and minibosses as well as the character all in their movie clip with the same name as the code, ready for me to complete.
Hopefully next week, I can start getting the start and game over screen designed and ready to go!
Code left to do:
I really need to work on my score. All I need to do is change the font to make the code work, but that's it really on the code.

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