Monday, 11 April 2011
Easter Half Term - 11/04/2011
Yo! For the next two weeks is Easter Half Term, and after that we have two weeks of College before the final date of the 6th (okay one week of those is the same week as the 6th), so it;s really only four weeks to go. So far my game is nearly complete (yeah!) with only a few bugs, mainly the end game and the running bug, so I've came into college during my holidays to complete some of the bugs. Right now I'm working on my game, trying to get the winning screen to come on, right now, it's not working. I did find one bug, I misspelt a line instead of putting winScreenMenu I put winScreenuMenu; With that fixed I tryied again, deciding to rebug my program and getting this message: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property of a null object reference. at Boss/Kill() at Game$/gameOver() at Ship/kill() at Ship/takeDamage() at EnemyBullet/enterFrame() as well as other errors such as TypeError: Error # 1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Boss/takeDamage() at Bullet/enterFrame() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Explosion/enterFrame() TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at PointDisplay/enterFrame() I also found that after debugging, I now have two health packs arrive at the same time, this might have something to do with the code I tried, as I was trying to get another element into my game, it works like the pick up, coming in randomly, but takes damage if the player avoids it, but since it didn't work, I decided to drop it and I must of forgot to change the code back. I fixed the double health pick up, I deleted all the code that refered to my seco0nd 'pick up'. Finally!!! I've got my winning screen to appear after the boss is dead!!! Yeah!!! But......the game still plays in the background and button to restart doesn't quite work, so now the screen does show, I will now tweek it slitly to make it work. I found out mu problem, it's really stupid and easy to fix, but I missed it......I kept putting winScreenMenu instead of the winScreen, dope! I'm now really confused, I was just testing my game, when I died, I restarted the game and the next enemy was the boss........alright, what's going on now, in my first game I did beat all three minbosses before the boss was surpose to come out, but when I restarted the game the boss was the first boss and when I killed him the winning screen came on, but the game still continued to play the game. I am really really confused. At the moment, I will try to compare the winning screen to the game over code and see if the problem is there, if not, then I will look into other areas of the code. I'm now having problems with my new game screen, it comes on, but it doesn't want to play and run the game. I've debugged my game again and this is the problem in the output Fonts should be embedded for any text that may be edited at runtime, other than text with the "Use Device Fonts" setting. Use the Text > Font Embedding command to embed fonts. Attempting to launch and connect to Player using URL E:\College\Steve Rich\Programming\Fenrir Game\Game.swf [SWF] E:\College\Steve Rich\Programming\Fenrir Game\Game.swf - 2543328 bytes after decompression....what? I have no idea what is going on. For now I might use my back-up file I created just before I tried to change anything and try again. I loaded up my back up, and I now have to create the Winning Screen again, but now I know the problem it should be a quick fix, and now I can fix that as well. I've fixed the winning screen, it now comes on when the boss is killed and restarts the game and disappears, the problem was I forgot to write the code, winScreenMenu.visible = false under the newGame function (whoops) but now that works, but now I have a bigger problem, after the defeat of my boss, the bullets start to miss fire (so to speak) and getting a shorter range. The output has placed this error out now TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Boss/takeDamage() at Bullet/enhterFrame() I just debugged (again) and I looked through all the Errors here they are: TE:#1009: Caapomoanor (Should know what it means by now) at Boss/kill() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - stage.addChild(explosion); at Game$/winScreen()[E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - EnemyShip.list[i].kill(); at Boss/kill() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - Game.winScreen(); atBosstakeDamage() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\] - kill(); atBullet/enterFrame() [E:\C\SR\P\FG\Bullet.as36] - EnemyShip.list[i].takeDamage(1); At the moment, I have no idea what I am doing with this and will mostly leave it to when I'm next with Steve, but on the plus, I now have a winning screen, even if it doesn't work yet.
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