Today I'm working on my flash game again, working on the fine details. The problem I'm having at the moment is the jump. When I start the game I'm in the perfect position, but after I jump, my character falls off the screen so only the
head is in the shot. I've changed the character's positioning on the movie clip so the cross in located in the middle of the image and have shaged the shooting so it looks like it's coming from the cross bow.
Following the Shooturial on Kongregate.com, I have managed to add sound to my level. I had to import my sound to the libaray before changing the properties so they can be linked with Action Script. I have three sounds in total, a bullet. explosion and background music. I had to name the bullet ShotSound, the explosion ExplosionSound and the background music BackgroundMusic. I then had to add the simple code of var s = new Explosion/ShotSound(); then s.play(); under the explosion/bullet function. For the Background Music I just had to add static var backgroundMusic = new BackgroundMusic(); under the public class and add backgroundMusic.play(0,1000); under the game function. Now All I really need to do is fix my jump and new game screens!!!!
I have just created a more realistic bullet for my character and enemies and have uploaded them into my game. To change the bullets was really easy, all I had to do was make a Movie Clip and in the properties was call them Bullet before deleting the graphic code used to create the orginal bullets. Here they are in game play and the original artwork
With help off Steve, I've managed to fix the enemy problem, when they run onto the new game screen. To fix this we had to remove the EnemyShipTimer from the Game Function, but keep it in the newGame function. I did this for all the timers, like the miniBoss and PowerUp. I've also gone in change some minor details such as the positioning of all the minibosses, enemies, character and bosses so they all run on the same level. I've also changed the jump with the help of Steve. After trying different code, we ended up using the code if(this.y > 220){this.y = 220}, meaning the jump show go back to the default line instead of disappearing.
The problems left:
JumpUp - I want to make the player have a reason to jump and have a little enemy to jump, so I'm hoping using the PowerUp code and change it so I can use it to make some thing to make the player jump.
Running - At the moment when left or right is holded down, the animation for the run stops on one frame, making it look wrong when playing.
After playing through the game, I decided to copy the code regarding the healthbar from the MiniBoss to the Boss, so now the Boss's health bar is much better and works now.
At the moment, I'm going to add a score on the game over screen to add more competitive game play to the game.
After trying to find out how to create the final score, both myself and Steve couldn't figure out the code, so we've decided to carry on with the game development.
My next weeks targets are:
Final Score - adding my final score onto game over screen and the win screen.
Running - I need to look at the running as when the player presses down the left or right button he stops running
Jump Up - My little jumping teaser still doesn't want to come on, so I'm hoping to improve him and start them coming on and make the player jump.